Saturday, June 20, 2009

A semester without instant noodles

Phew. Finally done with 1 semester (and one without a single packet of instant noodles mind you!)

The final exams weren't a breeze and there's a sense of uncertainty about 'em. For some reason, I rather have more time to polish 'em up rather than finishing my semester earlier than most people. Hopefully my fairly consistent results during the semester will be able to withstand the exams' impact and hold the average up.

I'm doing 4 loads of laundry (including my sheets), my room's waiting to be vacuumed, the toilet needs to be cleaned and the kitchen needs some mopping too. So you see, as much as I get my own privacy, I have to do all the chores myself. Argh, the pros and cons of living in a studio.

On another note, I'd be going to Sydney tomorrow for a day trip. Plan is to drop Zhen off at the airport, then go cut hair, then go pick Yuka up from her place. Zhen bought face masks for the both of us. It's so funny how he's so scared of contracting swine flu.

Ok. Hungersss...! Lunch, which is last night's 麻婆豆腐 beckons. (Btw, I totally swear by this brand. Get it and try to believe it!)

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