Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just like how I'd started out...

[The Gospellers - とわ に]

It was night of laughters. I had been watching a bunch of silly vids about Hokkien on YouTube tonight. Everything was hilarious. I was so certain that I was laughing so hard that I might get asthma. So taking a break from my work, I was once again watching some vid from YouTube and I felt the very same inspiration that I'd first came to Canberra with. It's very difficult to describe with words (too many factors involved) so I'd attempted to get an image from Getty Images to illustrate my feeling. It's something between these two.

Can you feel the images? Well, yep. That was what I have in mind when I first arrived. And no, I'm no desperate for a girlfriend. It's just that I'm a sucker for this kinda of things. It's all emotional. So if you can't feel the images, then it'd be very difficult for me to explain it to you. Hmm... Too bad I can't use words to describe. I'd tried but I end up deleting everything because they just don't seem to come out right.

Well, that's about it. Till the day I find it...

Oh! And why nobody vote in my poll one? *Whines* Come on you bunch of uptight bitches, take your pick and click on that button! It's all in the name of my decision making process and fun.

p/s: images courtesy of Getty Images

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