Tuesday, June 13, 2006

To my brother

Feeling | Bloated
Listening | Faith Hill & Tim McGraw - Let's Make Love
Thinking | What will you be doing now

Aiyah, the card got not enough space so I'd say what I wanted to say here.

Dear brother (must say in the nigger way),

It's indeed a pleasure to come here with you. Whilst we may not agree on certain things, no wait, actually only one thing but anyway, it's good to have you around. (Okay, I don't think I have as much to say as Denise...) These few months have been fun and it made me miss the times we spent at SGX. It's a pity we weren't as close during our poly days and I'm really thankful that we can re-live the SGX days again.

I know the weather's cold while the exams are pushing you to the limit but you have to endure. No, not for the hor fun that you miss but for what's going to come out of all these. At the sametime, don't forget to indulge yourself in unadulterated fun. School's important but it's not everything. I look forward to more hair dying sessions, iMac Photo Booth sessions, cooking sessios... Of course, the late (freezing) night studying sessions as well.

After such a happening first semester, I can't imagine what's going to happen for the next few semesters. Nonetheless, I'm glad I'd be spending it with you (oh my God, this sounds so gay) and let's live it to the fullest. Remember, no matter what happens (even if you steal my girlfriend, then again, quite unlikely since we have antithetical taste), you'd always, always be my brother.

*Cheers* ... Brotherhood の たべに

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