Monday, February 23, 2009

A review of my 1st week back in Canberra

Today marks the 1st week since I've arrived at this wretched place.

I'm still in the midst of setting up my home. It was only today while cooking カレーライス (Curry Rice) that I realized that I have no ladle and spatula to whip up a proper meal. Meanwhile, both the land line and Internet is not up yet so I'd be MIA online for a while.

Also, I met the Sub-dean today and we confirmed that all I need is just 6 more modules to earn my Bachelors. That means I'm going to take 3 this semester and another 3 next semester. Yay! Hopefully that'd mean I have more time to concentrate, thus scoring and eventually lead me to my entry into the honors program.

Two important issues I've yet to address are, one, the extension of my student visa and two, getting UNC to send my transcripts to ANU. Both are already in the process of getting done but I just need to keep a mental note on 'em.

And just in case you're wondering... no, I've not bump into Vera YET.

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