Monday, July 31, 2006

Unproductive first week

Feeling | Slightly stressed
Listening | Joshua Kadison - Jessie
Thinking | What's troubling her

Yet another unproductive day. Woke up near 12 only to have a rather quick breakie and proceeded to play tennis till 6. Told you I'm hooked on tennis. It's funny how come I can be so keen on tennis again. I remember my last craze on tennis was roughly a year or two ago. That's when I bought my current racket. With the increase in the frequency that I'm playing tennis, I need the following.
1. More tees
2. More shorts
3. More socks
4. Maybe even a new tennis bag to store my racket and balls.

Was at Woden yesterday. Eugene and I bought a HUGE amount of chips.
Crazy man. And I don't know what's got into me. I finish all 6 Krispy Kreme yesterday. I need to control my intake. 'Else I'd never be in shape to run for Stand Chart.

Speaking of sports, I was looking at Lionel's sister's fiance who took out a wood from his boot and was discussing about golf to his friend. I looked at them and thought, "hmmm... sports... that's what I should indulge myself in." I mean, "Hey I'm a guy after all, and sports it THE thing man..." Perhaps I should join Kendo after all.

I haven't had a proper conversation with my sister since I'm back. I miss her. There's things I want to tell her but yet I don't want to call her only to realise I can't have her full attention because she's on msn or something. Yes, I'm an attention-whore but I don't care because it's my sister we're talking about here.

Alrighty. I need to start studying my Japanese. I have Kanji reading test later (second class of the day mind you). Jya matta. 

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